

Anchoring Light ~ pertains to the act of anchoring your unique, divine, light essence into daily existence... experiencing it... embodying it and through awareness, embracing all of who you are.
— Leslie Tuchmann

Leslie Tuchmann, APRN
Advanced Practice Holistic Nurse

Holistic nursing is a body-mind-spirit-emotion approach to the practice of nursing which has healing the whole person as its goal.  It bridges conventional healing with complementary and alternative healing practices and involves the processes of recovery, repair, renewal and transformation. 
Energy MedicineUtilizing vibrational or energetic therapies to clear, energize and balance the subtle energetic body and foster a person's innate healing process to restore well-being. 

Energy Medicine

Utilizing vibrational or energetic therapies to clear, energize and balance the subtle energetic body and foster a person's innate healing process to restore well-being. 

Wellness CoachingEmpowering clients through self awareness and "sacred story" to facilitate more conscious decision making. Transforming goals and desires into focused and organized action.

Wellness Coaching

Empowering clients through self awareness and "sacred story" to facilitate more conscious decision making. Transforming goals and desires into focused and organized action.

Grief SupportLoving support of an individual's grief process is provided through strength-based models and creative processes that enable clients to access their natural healing abilities and inner resources.

Grief Support

Loving support of an individual's grief process is provided through strength-based models and creative processes that enable clients to access their natural healing abilities and inner resources.

Trauma ResilienceUtilizing techniques informed by somatic (body-based) theories, mindfulness practices and healing art modalities to help release trauma, balance the nervous system and build deep resilience.

Trauma Resilience

Utilizing techniques informed by somatic (body-based) theories, mindfulness practices and healing art modalities to help release trauma, balance the nervous system and build deep resilience.

Indigenous WisdomHonoring and sharing indigenous wisdom perspectives and the inter-connectedness of the whole as they relate to health, healing and spirituality.

Indigenous Wisdom

Honoring and sharing indigenous wisdom perspectives and the inter-connectedness of the whole as they relate to health, healing and spirituality.

Palliative CareConsultation for clients and families facing the challenges of serious illness. Focused on relief of suffering and improving quality of life. Help navigating complex treatment choices and health care systems.

Palliative Care

Consultation for clients and families facing the challenges of serious illness. Focused on relief of suffering and improving quality of life. Help navigating complex treatment choices and health care systems.

If you seek to restore balance on all levels of your being
(physical, mental, emotional, spiritual),
this approach to healing is for you!

To explore this type of healing work, contact Leslie for a FREE Phone Consultation.
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